Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's time...time to scramble!

It's here, and now I get to meet with my counterparts and convince them to shift toward building effective processes rather than assigning products. "Teaching English" can be so much more than applying editing marks on student papers!

This year, for the first time, I have a Required Student Materials list that insists that all have standardized journals, legal pads, post-its, colored pens, and 2 two-pocket folders. And this year, for the first time, I'm making no apologies for requiring these things. Hell, they signed up for a writing course that offers the possibility of Advanced Placement in college! If these basic writing materials and tools can help get them there, they should be tickled and grateful.

If I have all of these things gathered together before our back-to-school PD, maybe I could convince my feeder/PreAP teachers to adopt and implement some effective processes now that we have Mandatory Common Prep Time with built-in accountability structure. As Dylan told us long ago, "...the times, they are a-changin'."

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